Award Winning Cocco Salon!!!




What a busy few weeks, our feet have hardly touched the ground in June!

June is always an exciting and busy month, full of great events and lots of excited clients coming in pre-holiday,  festival, graduation and pre-wedding!!

On top of all that excitment we went and won our first ever award, to top it further we went and bagged a second one to boot!

This year was the first year we entered any industry awards and we are proud to be finalists in all we have entered.

We entered in the categories that we're closest to our hearts, at COCCO its all about our clients so it was only natural we entered for the customer service and home care / retail categories. The whole team are over joyed to receive recognition for their hard work and dedication to the craft and our amazing clients.

Almost 8 years ago we opened Cocco Salon and our mission from the start was to give solutions to everyday hair and beauty problems. Whether it be with a service, styling tips,  diet or homecare our number 1 goal was to fix your hair or beauty problem, so to win the Gold award for Retail Salon Of The Year is absolutely amazing, followed of course by a Silver Award for Excellence In Customer Service.

Thank you to all our amazing clients who have voted and supported us and hopefully the awards will be the first of many!


Our Top 5 Festival Looks

Hey Guy's!

The sound of music across the fields, the twinkle of glitter on people's faces, the taste of beer from a plastic cup and the sun shining high in the sky! (we hope!) 

It's that time of year again and i've rounded up 5 of the best festival looks!

Ramonas Festival Top 5


Big glasses & a statement necklace!

We just love this simple yet stunning look...



Fancy dress is essential at festivals, besides, when else do you get the chance to dress up as a fairy!?



It's all about the pattern!











Did someone say glitter?!



You cant go wrong with braids, thin ones, thick ones or fish-tail ones, no two looks every look the same and add a sprinkle of glitter down the parting! 


You can't live without


Nothing say's festival more than an oversized, glittery, flowery, tassely, furry, silly hat!




If you need a little helping hand with your hair & glitter give us a shout!

love Ramona xx

Why Doesn't My Hair Grow?

Why doesn't my hair grow? Is the question we get asked most in the salon, along with women saying 'my hair just doesn't grow'. Your hair does definitely grow or we wouldn't be needing to colour your hair now, would we? The problem is, that often it's snapping off as quick as it grows! 

Sometimes through health, diet and stress, but too often hair is breaking through abuse! Yes, abuse! Heat abuse, chemical abuse and physical abuse, are all things that most of our clients are blissfully unaware of when the enter Cocco Salon for the first time.

We give every client's hair a health check during their appointment and identify areas of improvement to encourage growth and health. Sometimes changes in services is what your hair needs, a homecare regime or frequently blood tests are the way to go. Over they years we have helped many of our clients uncover hidden health issues by assessing their hair thoroughly. We are by no means Doctors, but we know a lot about hair!

Common Causes Of Hair Not Growing

  • Overlapping, Lightener/Bleach - Over processing hair can be very damaging and cause hair to break and become brittle. Always use a protein regime when lightening hair and use masks one a week at least! Ask your stylist to recommend one for your hair type, we recommend Paul Mitchell's Strength, Range From £12.95


  • Box Dyes - Box dyes are a one size fits all solution to colouring your hair, if you're lucky enough to fit into that one hair type the box is made for then yes it will look ok, but the other 99% of people will have a disaster at best or totally fried hair at worst. If you require a medium blonde colour and are not far off the desired colour naturally, lets say 1 shade, after 3 applications all over your hair with a box product you will have exposed your hair to approx 8 times more peroxide than you needed to or a salon product would. Salon colour is mixed by a colourist specifically for your hair to counteract unwanted pigment ie orange and using the weakest strength activator needed to achieve the level of lift you need, to get the look you want. By not over lifting your hair, hair stays healthier, your cuticle is stronger so retains the colour molecules for longer meaning your colour will last longer! Ever wondered why your box dye red goes pink after a week on the ends, yup it's fried...


  • Infrequent Haircuts - Believe it or not, not cutting your hair regularly and sealing the ends can cause hair to weaken and fray/split at the ends. Trim your hair every 6-8 weeks to ensure hair stays in tip top condition, get a stylist you trust to just take a millimetre of the ends just to seal it if you're growing it.


                                          Cocco Salon £11.99

                                          Cocco Salon £11.99

  • Over Brushing / Rough Brushing - Hair can become damaged if you use the incorrect brush when brushing your hair or being too rough with it, causing it to snap. Always brush your hair starting at the ends and work your way up. If your hair is particularly knotty, try using Awapuhi Wild Ginger Oil before you begin brushing, just to loosen and lubricate your strands. Use a detangling brush, such as a WET BRUSH favoured by the Kardashian Clan.


  • Heat - Number 1 abuse is thermal damage, you must always use a good quality heat protection product on your hair, EVERY single time! Imagine how many times you straighten or curl your hair a year, well those ends are probably 3 years old, how much heat exposure is that! 230 degrees a time OUCH! Often shop bought protection sprays can feel very sticky or heavy in the hair so client's don't like using them. Our favourite is Paul Mitchell's Hot Of The Press, its ultra lightweight and totally undetectable in the hair, if you want something more natural then try Kitoko's Heat Defy which can be used on wet or dry hair so can be used to protect against drying too.


  • Stress - Stress can play a huge part in hair health, often clients can notice shedding during stressful times in life such as exams, changing jobs, losing a loved one or during a breakup. The most important thing is to not add to your stress by stressing about your hair too! Stress-induced hair loss is extremely common, especially in women. It normally gets better by its self once the levels of stress hormones in your blood return to normal. There are products that can encourage new hair, Kitoko's Age Defy regime and Paul Mitchell Scalp Therapy are more natural based stimulants and we have found to be very effective.


  • Hormones – Post Pregnancy, Menopause and Hormone imbalance can wreak havoc with your hair, thinning and shedding being the most common problem. Many ladies find they shed a huge amount of hair post-pregnancy as their normal levels of hormones are starting to stabilise.


  • Diet – What we eat can significantly impact the health of our hair. A well-balanced diet with plenty of foods rich in vitamins and minerals should ensure your hair is in tip-top condition. Sudden weight loss from extreme dieting and changes in diet can cause changes in your hair.
  • Vitamin D. Adequate vitamin D is important for preventing hair loss, especially in women
  • Vitamin A. Vitamin A deficiency accompanies a host of serious health consequences. 
  • Biotin
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Iron / B12. Can also affect your brain function and nervous system as well as energy levels.
  • Zinc
  • Iodine

Try to increase the number of foods rich in these vitamins and minerals or start taking a supplement to boost your levels. Always consult your doctor when thinking of supplementing your diet. Ask for a blood test to identify any low levels.

If you have an unbalanced diet, this can be problematic for hair, ie, if you eat little veg and lots of processed foods. Certain health conditions such as bulimia or anorexia can impact nutrient intake, malabsorption from Chrones Disease, Coeliac Disease or other bowel condition and quite regularly clients who are vegan or vegetarian who don’t have a good grasp on which key vegetables and pulses need to be consumed regularly to maintain healthy vitamin and mineral levels. We always advise clients to ask to be referred to a dietician to ensure they have a clear understanding of how top get enough B12 in their diet as B12 is stored in the liver and can last a number of years after stopping eating meat, therefore deficiencies only become apparent years later. If you are thinking of becoming Vegan or are Vegan here is some info on B12 and how to make sure you're getting everything you need.

What Can Be Done?

Make sure you check all of the above, if you do your bit on the inside, we can tackle the outside!

There are many ways we can boost your hair growth in salon, we have hair care to stimulate and encourage new growth and can remove impurities that can be present on the scalp repressing new growth. Paul Mitchell's Tea Tree Scalp Care, Stimulates, Strengthens and regenerates and is reported to give 85% Increased hair volume and strength. We also work with Kitoko Age Prevent with unique technology to help combat the signs of ageing hair, by asking you a few questions and taking a look at your scalp we can identify which line is most suitable for you.

Available In Salon Only

If breakage is your thing, protecting and repairing your hair is a must! say's, Hayley

A round of specific high concentration prescriptive treatments in salon will be beneficial, such as Olaplex, Vitaplex or Awapuhi's Wild Ginger Keratriplex or Hydraplex Treatments. Kick start your repair with a high dose of hair treatment in line with your needs and keep it topped up at home with home care for best results.

High Dose Treatments From £25

Fake It, Till You Make It!

Failing all that and you just have fine hair, there are loads of tip, tricks and tools to give you a helping hand with getting more volume and life into your hair. Our team can help you find the perfect styling solutions from a new cut, introducing colour or a gravity-defying root mousse (we like Moroccan Oil's root boost!)

Above all don't stress about it! See common cause number 4 above, stress will only make things worse!

If you are concerned about the fullness of your hair or have noticed shedding, consult your GP and ask for a blood test to illuminate Thyroid issues, have your Iron levels tested and discuss your concerns.

If you suffer from any of the health conditions mentioned above, speak with your healthcare professional to check your levels.

how to make hair grow

10% Off Haircare

t&c below apply

Show this voucher at time of payment and receive 10% off all hair repair care excluding styling products & electricals. 1 voucher per person, not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. Expires September 1st 2017

All material in this blog is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being.

Why Can't I Be Blonde?

Khloe Kardashian... Patience is needed when going light!

Khloe Kardashian... Patience is needed when going light!

Blonde Blonde Blonde Blonde Blonde, Colourists everywhere are even dreaming about blonde!

Summer is just around the corner and i'd say half our enquiries are about achieving that perfect blonde.

Of course you can be blonde....... but not right now.

Unless you are lucky enough to be naturally blonde and you were very fair as a child, the ultra ash light blonde is often difficult and tricky to achieve.

On a base darker than a 6 (light brown to the untrained eye) there are more orange pigments present that can be more difficult to remove, the darker the hair, the more orange and red pigments will be lurking in your hair. The more red and orange pigments = more lightening sessions and the longer it will take. If the hair is damaged to start with, we will have to take it really slow to ensure your hair can take it. Its great to have a goal but when achieving blonde after you have been darker requires a lot of time, treatments, money and above all... pacience!

Homer Simpson

When in the midst of colour correction, the number 1 goal for the stylist is that you leave the salon with your condition of your hair.

Number 1! above anything else, there is no point getting the 3 hairs left on your head platinum is there? After all you didn't bring in a picture of Homer Simpson! #homerhairgoals

No matter how much you plead, cry, shout, stomp and beg, the strength of your hair will determine how long this process will take and what is possible in one session.

But the girls on Instagram can?!

Ok, some people can do it in 1 sitting, but did the instagram picture say how long that transformation took? 9 hours? 10? That's 10 hours of a 1-1 session with a colourist totally dedicated to you. Can you afford a 10 hour 1-1 session, thats roughly "5 sets of highlights" and cuts as @SophiaHilton01 @notanothersalon accurately pointed out. So if you can't afford it in one go, you start the journey with your stylist.

Even if you can afford it and have bags of cash like Khloe Kardashian, sometimes it just can't be done in 1 sitting, see the picture above, her's took 8 sessions! (that we know of). Bear in mind Khloe is wearing extensions, if you want to preserve the length and won't have what your stylist recommends cut off then it will take longer, remember those bright blonde foils you had 3 years ago, yup they're at the ends of your hair and too much lightening will make them fry!


Our Top Tips to getting that blonde

1) Cut off what your stylist recommends, they know how to speed the transformation up, would you rather lose 3 inches and save 2 colour appointments and £500?                             

2) Use professional home care, the more you do at home the more we can do in salon, invest in a professional Moisture and Protein mask and use them as much as you can! Ask your stylist what is best for your hair.          

3) Don't pressure your stylist. They want that blonde as much as you do, a stressed flapping, over pressured stylist won't perform to the best of their ability. Tactfully spending 30 mins repeating ourselves that you wont get the blonde this time will only waste time and stresses everyone out.... we know!!!!!  It will happen so much quicker if we spend more time doing your hair than having to explain the process for the 10th time, we love you very much but please trust us!              

4) Upgrade to Vitaplex or Olaplex, this will protect and rebuild the bonds in your hair while you lighten giving you better lift and condition. Remember Kim Kardashian West's Platinum? That was thanks to Olaplex!                                                                 

5) Remember We all want to be skinny on the first day at the gym,,, no matter how much we want it, without investing time, money and knowledge and patience it just wont happen!!!!!


For A FREE Consultation, Get In Touch.

Need Product Advice, Pop In.

Have You Heard The News? We Are Finalists Again!



What an exciting year so far!

We are finalists in not 2 but 3 awards this year in The English Hair and Beauty Awards and The British Hair And Beauty Awards.

What an amazing achievement to be finalists in every award we have entered! 

Hayley and the team are totally blown away by the amazing feedback from our clients that has enabled us to get this far. 

Customer service is something we work so hard on each and every day and will continue to take it to the next level, sadly in the UK, there isn't always great levels of customer service across all industries but it is improving,  our number one goal at Cocco Salon is to make sure our clients always leave the salon happy!

The winner will be announced on 7th June so fingers crossed for then!!

Summer Colour Trend Vintage Pretty Is Here!



Tracey Devine Smith, Affinage Uk

There is such a buzz around pastels and metallics in the hair world right now and Affinage's latest collection encapsulates that perfectly.  The past vintage themes were so strong on the catwalk and in the bridal scene, this blend of the two is perfect for summer and gives a sofer and extremely wearable interpretation of the colour bringing something fresh in 2017.

We just love love love this collection, it's the whole teams favourite by far from Tracey and the Affinage team. All of these beautiful tones can be created over a pre-lightened base of a very light pale blonde, They are labour intensive with often a tri colour application (3 colour applications in one appointment) but they are worth the investment of time and money to have such stunning hair!

If you're in love with Vintage Pretty, get in touch for a free consultation and estimate.

T: 01332 292129

See The Full Affinage Shoot!

We Are Finalists In The English Hair & Beauty Awards!

awards picture.JPG

The whole team are totally over the moon with our finalist status in the category for best team /  customer service at the English Hair and beauty awards. To be finalists in our first ever awards entry has been amazing, especially in what we consider to be the most important category!

The whole team got dressed up and traveled to the award ceremony held at the Athena, Leicester where we were treated to an evening of entertainment, a 3 course meal and most importantly an after party!

Sadly we didn't win this year but we cannot wait for next year, A huge thank you to all of our amazing clients who took the time to complete the nomination form online and in salon, without you this would not have been possible. 

Reading all of the wonderful feedback has been by far the most precious reward and is the reason the team all work so hard every day to keep you happy!

How To Get Your Dream Hair & Manage Those Expectations!

Are You Planning Your Summer Hair Yet? 

This before base had 2 - 3 balayage applications prior to the transformation on the right.

Great hair doesn't always happen over night...

Nowadays we are inundated with hordes of pictures of amazing transformations by hair magicians all over the world. Thanks to the Instagrammers, You tubers and tweeters we can all keep up to date with everything new and wonderful in the world of hair. If a Kardashian colours her hair we will know within the hour or sometimes as it is being applied thanks to Snapchat.

This world of instant knowledge is a breeding ground for unrealistic expectations. Hair colouring is science, it takes a vast amount of product and hair knowledge, experience and investment in amazing products, both for the transformation and for the home care.

All is not what it seems...

Often, what the Instagramer fails to point out is the true time taken of some of those transformations, many have a full day with a top stylist for around 9 hours, we've all seen Guy Tang going for lunch in the mall with his clients and watching (singing to) Disney mid-transformation. This is the harsh reality of celebrity hair, it often is beautifully natural and low key but takes a life time to create, oh and $1000!

A great one to follow is my old boss Nicky Lazou, she get amazing results but she will not push the hair, you build up to your dream hair a number of sittings and she's big on home care like me.

Into the salon...

So clutching your phone loaded with 10 Pinterest boards you enter the salon and begin the conversation with your stylist, your smile starts to drop as they gently try to break it to you that you may not get that in one go.... the translation here is, and they don't want to be rude or hurt your feelings but.... can you afford £/$1000? If the answers no then you cannot do it in 1 go! Even if you own OLAPLEX it is not happening. 

It's not that we don't want to and it's certainly not that we want to charge you more money, trust us when we say big transformations are not where the money's at,,, give us a full head of highlights and a glaze any day! These transformations are like haveing 5 hair appointments in one day, which is why it has such a hefty price tag.

Colour correction is stressful for the client and stylist, it can be unpredictable, remember that box dye you used 3 years ago, just the once because you we're broke? yeah it just came back to bite us in the ass... (yes it's important you tell us)

Ultimately we want to make you happy, your happiness is the single reason we stylists put up with the long days, the absents of loo breaks and staying late because your hair was thicker than we expected. We love our job and love delivering that feeling of euphoria when your stylist makes you look and feel hotter than a Victoria's Secret Model! but please let us manage your expectations, please don't push and bully us into doing something that compromises your hair health. Stylist's are creative people, natural risk takers and they have to reign that back, the only time a clients hair usually goes wrong is when a stylist buckles under pressure to do something they aren't more than 90% convinced will go right and guess what, if that gamble doesn't pay off you will slate them all over the internet saying they are a bad hairdresser when it was probably 2ml of too much ash or not enough ash that landed them in that hot water.

With that said, dream hair is possible and with the right advice and guidance by a good stylist can be achieved.

Read my blog post Hayley's Top Tips For Changing Your Hair Colour to get it right with your stylist.

Now is the time to start that summer hair journey, if you are lucky enough to get it in one hit then all you have to do until the summer lights up our lives is maintain it!

H x